Saturday, July 27, 2013

Russian Nesting Doll Cookies

The idea to make Matroyshka (nesting doll) cookies came to me while I was in a Yoga Nidra training. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation done while in a relaxed savasana or lying down position. It is a beautiful and life changing practice. We were discussing the koshas, levels or layers of being,  and how Yoga Nidra helps us to move through each layer to eventually lead us to the deepest part of our true self.  During that discussion, I scribbled "cookie idea: nesting dolls" in the side of my notes. Nesting dolls are similar to the idea of the koshas, as you open each doll level you find a new one inside until you reach the center of the being.  When inspiration strikes, I am compelled to respond with sugar. :)

For my nesting dolls, I decided to make each one look the same with rosy pink cheeks, big bright eyes, a sweet smile, and a flower in the center. That sounds like a lovely being to me.  


  1. Cute cookies! I have seen Russian doll cookies before, but not ones that decrease in size like this. Great job! Oh, and can I eat the biggest matryoshka? ;)
