Friday, March 29, 2013

Cookies for the Troops

I didn't grow up in a military family, but I am marrying into one so I am gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for the sacrifice that is made when someone is in the armed services. My Sweet Eddie's father, my soon to be father-in law, is a Vietnam Veteran.  We are proud of his service and bravery. I learn more each day what an impact it has on all members of  a family when someone is willing to represent our country in this way, and it fills my heart with so many emotions. 

When I saw on facebook that  a community had been formed to send cookies to our troops stationed in Afghanistan, I knew that I needed to be a part of this Operation Cookie Takeover. To show my support I made an assortment of cookies that I hoped would bring a smile to the face of our brave military personnel who might receive them.  

Patriotic Hello Kitty supporting our troops

We Support You ribbons from the heart

Thank You for your service

Tie a Yellow Ribbon around a Tree

Butterflies of Support

I was so happy to participate in this project. After packing up all my cookies, I only wished that I had made more. Over 10,000  cookies were made and shipped to a base in Afghanistan to show our support for the sacrifice that our soldiers make. They will be distributed at an event on April 10th and I hope it is a day that provides sweet comfort and the knowledge that we appreciate what they do for us.

Today, March 29th, is National Vietnam Veterans Day. Last year, President Obama signed a proclamation finally giving these Vets an official day. Our last combat troops came home on this day in 1973. 

Sweet Eddie's father was in Vietnam from 1966-1967, where he served in the Army, 4th Infantry Division, in Pleiku and Vietnam's Central Highlands.  His country asked him to go and so he did.  While there, he saw a lot of bad things that would forever change his life.  But his service also brought home so many connections as well, and now Sweet Eddie is friends with the children of his dad's best buddy in Vietnam.

His dad has three photo albums full of pictures.  Some happy.  Some sad.  In black and white, and sometimes in color, I can see the personal effect of war.

His dad never wanted medals. The only thing he ever wanted to keep were his Montagnard bracelets - those were bracelets made by villagers and given to US Servicemen for helping them. Those bracelets were his real medals. To receive one of theses bracelets was a great honor, and it told him that he was doing something good, that he was saving people's lives. His dad never wanted to be a hero, but we know he truly is one.

War is hell.  And we are lucky if we are not there.  But our soldiers are there, and they are there for us...each and every one of us.  They serve in far away lands, far away from friends and loved ones.  So to give them a little piece of home, even if it's just a cookie, meant the world to me.

Six and Sweet Eddie Sr.

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